And now... spring flowers, alien invaders and fuzzy animals!
` Yes, that's right... though I've been incredibly busy having a good week off from school, don't think I have forgotten about blogging! I know I said I'd put up more posts than I have been, but....
` Hey, look! A bumblebee!` Yes, I still have tons of pictures I haven't put up yet. I thought another bizarre and illustrated story might be appreciated.
` On top of this, I realize now that the trailer for the film Lou and I were in is not as well-appreciated as I had hoped. Some people aren't interested because I told them it was a 'student film'. Yeah, but if you look at it, you'll see it's really amazing, anyway! (As my first commenter noted.) But they don't care! WTF!!
` Even more strangely, Cheshire - who lent me some of her things to use in the film - is not only 'not interested' in seeing 'that type' of movie, she refuses to even look at the trailer! Apparently, though Lou Ryan is a great fight choreographer, she really, really doesn't want to see violence, even if it's not real. (Though I'm sure her brother and mother would love it!) I don't know what it is with her - maybe she's a mirror synesthesate?
` Naturally, my mom really doesn't like violence or red corn syrup at all either (though it's black and white anyway), but she was still really amazed at all of Lou's cool moves. I coached her to find it from her boyfriend's computer in Ohio (he's currently sailing his new boat out of Florida), and when she finally saw it, I heard her gasping in astonishment over the phone. She thought it was the shizz-net!
` Do you see how this works? The problem is not the movie trailer itself, but the idea people have about it! So, while it is good (and really not gory, either), some people will stop anything to the contrary to ever be shown to them. They don't want to see if they're wrong! And, well, haven't I written about this kind of problem concerning a variety of other subjects?
` Oh great, looks like I'm going into another rant!
` As if I had to ask, what's worse than someone who doesn't want to see a super-awesome movie trailer because it has people being skillfully beaten up? What's worse than even someone who doesn't want to see a super-awesome movie trailer because it was done by talented students with a video camera, a good idea of stylization and a laptop, instead of professional movie-makers?
` It's when you're trying to convince someone (who is temporarily staying in your apartment) that they should let you play your own piano, and they agree to listen to the only song you've ever written (at that point) - but then when you tell them it's making fun of your psychotic father they refuse to listen because "that kind of thing isn't, and can never be made, funny." Well, how would they know? They haven't even heard it!
` This same thing (more or less) has happened to me more than once, and all I can say is; What a bunch of insecure and cynical people! I've been thinking more and more, lately, that this is the main problem with our society! It's what causes someone to hate certain people or ideas that don't hurt anyone - they're afraid!
` Fear of unusual comments (along the lines of 'make sure you don't explode for no apparent reason'), plus already being freaked out, is what got me in trouble here (along with many, many other students), when I was trying to make it obvious I was joking around! Meanwhile, the other day I was talking to Xenophon about his job at the UPS Store and I said, "I hope one of those boxes explodes!" and he said, "Me too! Then maybe it would burn all the skin off my entire left side. That would be awesome!"
` Anyway, for people who just can't jibe with things that are in the least bit threatening, I have a lot of very lovely photographs! And even if you do jibe, I don't see why you wouldn't think the photos aren't worth a look!
` ...Especially Gareth, because some immature hacker jerk hijacked his blogs, deleted one, screwed up the other one to make him look bad ("come on, kids! Check out the nude photos by me, Gareth!"), and took over his four email accounts by changing the password so he can't even sign in anymore!
` So yes, this is, at the very least, a lovely little distraction from anything that one finds unpleasant! In fact, one can click on any of the photos (most of which are quite large) to make them take up the entire screen, if one so should like to be drowned in detail!
` Now, first thing's first; I took these photos all the way back in April after getting off school one day, so this is a picture of flowers that were blooming then - not in June!
` What they are, I'm not sure and I think it's rather ridiculous that I don't know. They do look awfully familiar though. Whatever they are, I speculate that they were captured by dead white men and relocated here against their will.` Here, however, we find a plant that may or may not be native to the area... however, it is was probably forcefully bred with other species to create something... unnatural! Behold the monstrosity that is a magnolia tree!
` And then, I caught a glimpse of... The Yuppie Cat I Sometimes See Waiting to be Let In. Man, that cat's got it made... if only someone would open the door!
` And here... mua ha ha ha haaaa! I have but a link to this photo! What is it? Let's just say, if people being killed is not something you want to think about too much, don't look.
` I can be so cruel sometimes. In the background of that photo, however, we find another very pleasant Magnolia tree with a little swing! Isn't that nice? You never would know it was so close to such a tragic scene!` After hanging around that region, I then headed off towards the park, but overshot and instead somehow wound up in Lantern Waste....
` Then, I had a bit of fun with my camera and changed the settings so that I could get a better image of the burning flame. Doesn't the scene look so much better when I don't use the automatic setting? The colors are so much brighter, too, because they aren't washed out! Manual settings really rock my socks!
` Well, after being shown the way out by a Very Large, Talking Squirrel (which was later slain by G.I. Joe and his buddies), I managed to find my way back to the park, only to find... more freaks of nature!
` ...And then, I saw... the Olympic Mountains! (Back there, over the islands....)
` Here's a thriving little boat scene....
` Turning away from the horizon, I stopped to smell the roses... except there weren't any yet, so instead I had to settle for smelling the tulips. (Hybrid alien freaks!)
` Above the tulips were more freaks, called cherry trees.
` And then, just down the street, I saw a man with a video camera - doing promotional taping for the city, it turns out - being ferociously greeted by quite a Large Ginger Tabby.
` Then, for no apparent reason, I went up the street to check out some very interesting growths that were just in the process of engulfing a house.
` Alien invaders from the whimsical mind of Dr. Seuss! But I see that someone's taken a chunk out of one....
` When one of the growths started to move towards me, I fled, under cover of tulips, back to the park....
` By then, the Large Ginger Tabby was finished ferociously rubbing against the videographer and now it was coming after me! Or rather, going away from me....
` Come on now, cat! Behave! Just look at the daffodils! Do you see them being blurry?
` Come on now, sweetie, my foot isn't that interesting!
` Ohhh... come back!
` Stop licking me!!!
` Finally! I do hope you're happy with yourself....
` Don't give me that look!
` After that, the cat knocked me down and I was further attacked by its rubbings-against while I jealously watched the videographer take pictures freely.
` When the cat finally let me up, I sat up and looked around. It was from this low vantage point that I noticed a bumblebee....
` ...Well, I could take a less-blurry photo than that (if the autofocus was willing to let me)! So, I followed it as it crawled across the grass in a post-hibernation stupor!
` Onwards, I stalked the beast, and I think this one turned out pretty sharp, too!
` It seems I got better and better with each step (467 bee-steps).
` Closer and closer I crept....
` Truly, I must say that the crawl of the bumblebee is much easier to photograph than the flight of the bumblebee....
` After all that crawling around, I was quite exhausted. So, I sat down at a historical building.
` I'm not sure what it is, but I noticed it has a nice fountain.
` I had better get going, now; today was my first day of school and I have some lunch to eat and some homework to get started! (No, don't feel sorry for me - it's fun English and Psychology homework!)
` Now, please do try to have a pleasant day! Especially poor Gareth!
That cat was beautiful! I love tabbies. That bumblebee was pretty awesome as well, he looked like a little man in a suit with a yellow helmet. You make me miss the NW, I want to move to Seattle in so many ways.
` Thanks! (I think the bumblebee may have been a spy!)
` Please do come up here!! The weather is so nice right now - cool and sunny for the most part! (But whatever you do, stay away from Everott!)
NICE photos, Spoony! And poor Gareth! Tell him to put a padlock on any more blogs he might have.
BTW, I was just as your art blog and tried several times to leave a comment. Like the ivory soap bird! The one flying looks drunk!
I think Lou rocks, as does his film. And so do you Spoony!
Bumble bees are very cool and furry. I like to pet them. Really! :)
` Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one!
` And, Galtron, it actually turns out that Ivory soap tends to have that effect on birds...
`, not really. But I might have had you there a sec.
WOW!!! Love the pictures SQ! I remember seeing a bee during the winter and I thought to myself that it's either global warming doing that or the poor little blighter is lost or was kicked out by the queen bee. I was going to give him a map and compass but then he looked at me with a weird look in his eight eyes and I high tailed it out of there. He gave up chasing me after a while :)
Thanks for helping to cheer me up. I'm cool now :D
` That is a bit odd! Maybe the bee's neighbors woke it out of hibernation and he was looking for a quieter place to sleep.
as always love your post and pics Spoony. I ♥ bumble bees ! Just spent a few more days in your lovely city again. Its so great up here.
` Glad you've been enjoying yourself! Hey, if you ever need a girl to look cool/dorky hanging out with, let me know....
Your pics are great.
Loved your "yuppie cat" pic and observation.
` Thanks. I like your avatar! (I wonder if my eyes really glow like that when I'm in mortal peril?)
I will let you know next time I there ;)
` Mua ha ha ha haaaaa!
Hi! It's been a while since I dropped in. You have some very nice photos and interesting camera angles. I really like the way the light shines through the cherry(?) blossoms in your first cat picture. And the bee. And the "Lantern Waste" lamp-post. The tulips look like the Beauty of Appeldoorn variety -- I have a few in my back yard that the squirrels haven't gotten yet.
` Thanks!
` Fight the Squirrel Power!
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