Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I was going to check my email today...

...And write about all the fun things I'm neglecting. Before midnight. Because this post is supposed to be up by the 13th, remember?

However, I got caught up in homework, laundry, cleaning the floors, dishes, etc. and Lou Ryan watched a movie on this computer, and by the time it was over, I was too tired to bother and instead studied for a test I have tomorrow.

Tests. Who needs 'em?

But at least I have this post here, right?

BTW, you should have seen me in drama class! At the end of my skit, I went running out the 'classroom' door with my binder and all my papers fell out all across the stage! It was perfect!

New strategy: Check email every morning to get it out of the way. Then perhaps I can more easily abide by my silly rules!


Unknown said...

At the moment gmail tells me that I have 5,007 unread emails in my in-box.

G-Man said...

Maybe I'll E-Mail you something.

Connie said...

Oh well, studying for your test was probably more important than checking your email. Wish I could have seen you in the skit. Sounds like it would have been fun. :D Hope you have a great weekend.

g-man said...

....Or maybe I'll just post a comment!

Spoony Quine said...

That is an amazing rack-up of gmails! How far has it gone up since?

G-man, or should I say g-man... do you have an alter ego, too?