The next step in my Anomalous World
Not only do I promise more episodes of 'Cattain's Log' on my website (other than the one I just put up), I'm going to re-organize the thing so it's in more or less chronological order. Where did all that time come from? It comes from taking Summer Quarter off at college, so I'll be off doin' my waitress thang - which I expect will be a lot less work.
` As for my website, I'll post things I've already posted here - though there has still been plenty that I've never put here, and never even hinted at it! (Because I was probably too busy.) Let us reflect on what that may mean for this blog....reflection It means more posts here! Since I'll be writing about my website whilst I cobble it together, you'll enjoy more updates by moi! And not just on this blog, on my other two as well. Whoopee!
Enjoy your Summer Quarter off!
awesome photograph! enjoy your break!
Is that your hand? And does it have anything to do with a Waitress Thang? I've never heard of one before.....
Neat picture!
` Nick: I shall!
` Angel: Thanks!
` Galtron: Yes. Maybe.
` Mona: I do my best. The photo's actually over a year old....
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