Introducing a THIRD BLOG!! (And some 'lost' February photos!)
` Oh yes!!! As if two blogs were not enough, I have decided to add a blog in order to showcase my oh-so-shiny artwork! It's called, I Can Draw, Too!, and it's a handy way for those who 'dun read good' (Tom) to sample some Spoony Talent. Like I'm really great that way or something....
` As for what else has been going on lately, there's plenty; I got a call from the computer doctor yesterday afternoon; he said that the elusive problem I've been having is defective RAM, which for some reason never did show up in diagnostic tests. So, he replaced it. Whee! My computer's finally been fixed!! (I hope....)
` Anyway, I picked up the poor box this morning. Why the wait? Because, when I got the call I was going out the door on a spontaneous camping trip! Which I'm back from, with lots of photos!
` However, since I'm too lazy to go through them all, how about some pictures I just rediscovered in my photos-in-holding folder whilst rearranging my desktop. They were taken during the blizzard we had in February, which was full of wet snow and dry peaches....` Nasty!! I remember now why it is I don't buy peaches in the winter! Well, let's just take a gander out the window, shall we?
` That would be the gridlock caused by snow in Washington (though not Ohio) during rushour. Really! The traffic was only moving verrrry slowly....
` So slowly, in fact, that 'rushour' was still going on when the sun went down!
` Luckily, after it got reasonably dark, everyone got a chance to go a little faster....
` For a little while, the two little girls that live in this building got to come out and play until it was their bedtime. And on the snow raged...
` ...Although by morning, it was clear and very white and shiny! (Oooh!)
` Isn't that just delicious? Ah, well, this couldn't have been as delicious a post as it was without the sponsorship of Dirty Sink Water!
` Dirty Sink Water, surprisingly cool and refreshing for something so nasty! Say 'Aaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhh!'
` And now I must locomote myself to a doctor's appointment. G'day.
Wow! What a documentary of a lengthy traffic jam! I'll drink to that *choke!*
I'm glad your computer is finally fixed!!! Can't wait to see your new blog!
` Yes, and here's a bottle of champagne you can smash against it - you know, like when they launch ships? (I got the idea from D.L. Stewart.)
` ...Or you can just smash the bottle of dirty dish water against the blog and drink the champagne (though it's more likely to leave a stain on the blinding white...).
` ...Or, you can just leave a comment, because I think I've fixed it.
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