Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Adventures of Me and My Mommy Cont'd

` These are some things we were doing Sunday.... Lou drove us (in my Burgundy Rectangle) up to Mt. Vernon and checked out the nice overlooks at the park. Here's Lou looking through the harvest haze toward the sea....

` Here are the low hills before the mountains....

` This is at the other end of the mountains... Baker is actually over to the right, but for some reason it didn't show up at all on the picture. (Must be a vampire....)

` After lunch at the (very large) Mount Vernon Co-Op, we got on down to the ferry docks and hopped aboard one....

` After an hour of sailing... er, motoring... we finally arrived at our destination....

` Thank goodness! Indeed, we strolled around town a little and even checked out the Whale Museum. I was struck by the sight of this guy who was familiarizing his little boy with the various bones of an Orca.

` There were also many freaky things like mysterious underwater sound recordings and a gray whale embryo that you could hold in the palm of your hand! *shudder!*
` Not terribly long afterward, we went to this crazy open-air restaurant... our 'table' was actually a railing with this view....

` And that's only the lower level. Then, at some point, someone set up a speed-drinking contest with Lou... so he went upstairs to the bar to meet the challenger. To his astonishment, he lost for the first time ever! Technical problems... you see, the cup was plastic and bendy and kept spilling beer down his face, so he couldn't take as huge gulps. Because he did not think fast enough to squeeze the cup so that it was narrower, he was beat by a split-second!
` No, really! I got it all on tape! Eventually, though, we had to leave when our super-sized ferry came into dock....

` On our way back, we got to watch the sky change colors....

` ...Because that damn fiery ball was after us!

` I could see it, darkish-yet-glowing and terrible, as it pursued us from the port side....

` But then I had to go outside to get a picture of it as it changed course and continued chasing us from the starboard....

` Eventually, it grew tired and gave up, perching on an island and bellowing with rage.

` That was one scary boat ride.
` Thoroughly tired out, I drove mom to the Zombie Bear Motel and then got Lou and I back home to rest up for the night journey ahead.... Luckily, at four in the morning, Lou was good enough to wake me up and drive me and my mommy to the airport before the scary fiery ball had time to come back....
` And then my mommy flew from the fiery ball in a big, metal bird for a few hours before getting back to her home country of Ohio
` Bye, Mommy!.

` Epilogue: She also called me from the airport because her camera was nowhere to be found in her carry-on bag.... I went back to the Zombie Bear, where I'd accidentally left the door wide open, and didn't see it. You know why? Because it was in her suitcase! Hah!


Aaron said...

Your photography is getting better and better Spoony. You have some good pictures in this lot.

Spoony Quine said...

` Thanks! Glad you like my instamatic wonders. I learned to take photos with adjustable cameras, so I recognize that getting good shots with such limited equipment is generally impossible.
` Now, as far as Nice Manual Camera Photos (NMCPs) go, I did take a bunch of Lou which were burned onto a photo CD, and have assembled them into a post. ...This was a month ago and I have still neglected to put it up!!!
` Shame on me!!! And so, I shall have to soon!